Don Bosco Centre for Social Action


Women Empowerment through Collective Action and Network (WECAN) is aimed to address the gender issues of “violence against women, gender discrimination, child marriage, dowry system, sexual harassment and lack of access to livelihood assets by the women.
    Objectives and Impact indicators
  • Number of women-led organizations monitoring and advocating on breaches of women’s rights, including abuses of women and report domestic violence
  • Number of effective inter agency collaborations to promote women’s rights and condemn gender-based violence (e.g., women’s and other civil society organizations, law and justice agencies, church and educational institutions, customary law institutions)
  • Evidence of awareness and training activities on social protection targeted at women and men, including those in the informal sector and other vulnerable occupations
  • Number of women leaders trained as leaders and advocates for women’s human rights, including the percentage of youth and other key stakeholders.
  • Number and quality of advocacy and community education initiatives undertaken by women, men youth, duty bearers, CSO leaders, etc., trained under the project
  • Examples of changes in attitudes by traditional and customary political/religious leaders (e.g., public statements and actions)
  • Evidence that policies and strategies include gender equality objectives and address the barriers to women’s economic advancement in formal employment, small and medium-sized enterprise development, and access to financial and business services
  • Number of micro enterprises established or supported, and the number and percentage of female and male members
  • Number and percentage of women with increased income
  • Number of jobs created for poor women by women entrepreneurs
  • Changes in income disparities between women and men
  • The number of incidence of child marriages, girl child labour, school dropouts of girl children reported in the villages
  • Additional number of girls enrolled in schools

  • Programmes
  • Trainings/Workshops for women and leaders of women’s groups/SHGs on legal rights, political awareness, women’s rights, human rights and gender equality.
  • Leadership training for SHG leaders
  • Workshops for Local government leaders, police personnel, lawyers, media, government officials, community leaders, civil society group
  • Training for the college and school students to facilitate youth volunteers for preventing Violence against women
  • Public Awareness
  • Sensitization Campaign (in commemoration with women’s day)
  • Formation and strengthening of legal aid cells